弗朗西斯科·Pastorelli, 市场营销专家 in 丹麦哥本哈根
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验证专家  in 市场营销



弗朗西斯科 is a marketing expert who led the development and execution of go-to-market strategies for a variety of products, 从B2B2C市场到电子商务和D2C. With experience primarily in the Danish startup ecosystem, 他利用了他的进场, 反弹道导弹, and product marketing expertise to drive growth and create strong brands.



2021 - 2023
  • 领导一个三人团队,直接向CEO汇报工作. Oversaw overall marketing, growth, branding, and positioning.
  • 制定和执行市场和增长战略.
  • Elevated brand awareness and positioned the company as a key opinion leader in Denmark and Sweden through content marketing and 搜索引擎优化.
  • Pioneered a core methodology for 影响者 marketing integrated across client strategies, 产品路线图, 和用户体验架构.
  • Implemented an inbound marketing strategy from the ground up, 产生15,网站访问量达1000次, 200 +领导, 每月50多个免费账户.
  • Managed a highly automated marketing and sales funnel using a database with 15,000 +联系人, resulting in a lead-to-opportunity time of fewer than 30 days.
  • Tested and scaled growth tactics throughout marketing and sales departments, resulting in a referral program that attained 600+ new users, 降低了CAC, 以及产品采用率的提高.


2020 - 2021
  • Helped pivot company focus towards B2C during COVID-19 pandemic, securing critical partnerships and streamlining inbound product adoption flow.
  • Grew social media following by six times in one year while developing highly effective acquisition and activation 剧本 for smaller B2B accounts.
  • 重组网站内容和用户体验, 改善用户体验,提高用户粘性, 从而使转换率提高两倍.
  • 参与编写公司品牌手册, including brand messaging and brand story (unique value proposition, 任务, 愿景, 和价值), 语气, 品牌应用.
  • Launched the company in the Danish restaurant market and tested the app-based MVP for consumer market penetration.


2019 - 2019
  • Tested and optimized 电子商务 and digital marketing initiatives, 专注于社交和有影响力的营销活动.
  • 设计网站和网店,提高用户体验, 搜索引擎优化, 以及增加用户粘性和转化率的内容.
  • Established and aligned brand messaging and unique selling point (USP) to target audiences for maximum impact.
  • Curated content production, including website, ads, social media, newsletter, and product imagery.


2018 - 2019
  • 制定和执行合作伙伴战略, 影响者, 以及DACH地区的联盟营销, achieving successful campaigns with up to 50 影响者s.
  • 领导了两次超过500人的公关活动, ensuring seamless execution and a positive impact on brand image.
  • 为各频道制作优质内容, 包括邮件营销, 社交媒体广告, 新闻稿, 商品描述, 以及利益相关者声明.
  • Supported 电子商务 platforms management through analytics, 报告, 以及Shopify和亚马逊上的内容创作.


Proved the feasibility and effectiveness of implementing a referral program and grew the user base by 30% in the first three months.

Devised and implemented a zero-budget MVP of a referral program leveraging the client's product capabilities, utm, and HubSpot的 landing pages and forms to drive new user growth. The program used the performance tracking capabilities of the client product, 它是一个由创作者组成的社区, and monetary incentives to create measurable word of mouth. During the first three months after the program's launch in Denmark, 该活动产生了150个推荐用户, 7,000+点击到登陆页面, 700年领导, 230个新用户.

今天, while the company is investing in developing the program further by integrating it into the product and automating it, the MVP is used as a growth tactic across six new markets with excellent results. The referral program MVP has been used to drive user adoption in those markets and proved to be the most effective and highest ROI.


Generated a new revenue stream accounting for 25% of company revenue at the time by pivoting the company focus from the B2B to the B2C market during the COVID-19 pandemic.

三个月的冲刺, 与首席执行官一起, 销售主管, 以及产品团队, I helped a digital marketplace connecting restaurants and canteens with low-impact fishermen diversify their revenue stream to cope with the decrease in revenue from the restaurant industry during the second COVID-19 lockdown.

The product team devised a solution to enable the product to serve private customers, and I mapped out the whole internal processes necessary to serve the new market, close strategic collaborations with last-mile delivery and distribution partners, mapped out the user journey from first touch to delivery, and developed and implemented the solution for fast user acquisition in Copenhagen. 仅仅三个多月, we launched the app in the consumer market and covered over 25% of lost revenue from the B2B segment in just the first month.


Pioneered a core methodology for 影响者 marketing integrated across client strategies, 产品路线图, 和用户体验架构.

As part of the brand strategy, I developed a SaaS product for 影响者 marketing. I refined an overall marketing methodology similar to the HubSpot的 inbound framework, 从产品功能开始, 品牌定位, 公司文化. 的方法, consisting of various assets like strategic frameworks, 剧本, 客户的情况下, 以及产品导览, was adopted company-wide as an encompassing tool for developing new client strategies, 调整产品路线图, 确定开发冲刺的优先级, as well as guiding the overall product UX architecture.
2016 - 2018

Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Strategic Market Creation

哥本哈根商学院- Frederiksberg,丹麦

2013 - 2016










入站营销, 内容营销, 影响力营销, 内容策略, 数字营销策略, 社交媒体营销(SMM), Instagram营销, 市场营销, 市场策, 内容创作, 搜索引擎优化(搜索引擎优化), Facebook营销, 品牌战略, 品牌, 电子邮件营销自动化, 谷歌搜索引擎优化, 电子邮件营销, 转化率优化(CRO), 漏斗营销, 增长的黑客, 社交媒体, 付费广告, Facebook的广告

平台 & 工具

HubSpot的, HubSpot的 市场营销 Hub, Content 管理 Systems (CMS)


B2B2C, SaaS产品营销


B2B潜在客户生成, 在线研讨会, 创业, 启动策略, 项目范围, 数字化项目管理, 事件营销, 定价策略, 对讲机, 创新, 策略, 管理, 金融, 登陆页优化, 分析, 产品的增长, 用户的旅行, 项目管理, B2B合作伙伴, 网站, WordPress, 品牌定位, 合作伙伴关系, 事件管理, Shopify, 网络分析, 网站管理, 电子商务, 网页内容, 时事通讯, 数字通讯



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