Andrej Gamser,塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的营销专家
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Andrej Gamser

验证专家  in 市场营销



Andrej is a seasoned digital marketing professional with 10+ years of valuable experience in the dynamic world of digital 广告 agencies, 人工智能公司, 电子商务, B2B IT产品营销. 他使企业能够在数字环境中茁壮成长. 在他的职业生涯中, Andrej沉浸在数字营销的各个方面, 广告, 客户参与度, 与一些最大的国际公司和品牌合作.



  • Collaborated with top management on the GTM strategy, defining ICP, BP, and USP. 进行全面的市场调研,实现战略对接.
  • 协调广告管理器的设置和多渠道活动的部署.
  • CRM管理, 冷暖邮件营销, 内容营销, 社交媒体, PR, 以及影响者倡议.
  • Provided clear direction and guidance to agencies to optimize outcomes and maximize ROI across various marketing initiatives.


2022 - 2024
  • Created the overall product marketing strategy for launching new software products in the European market, 主要在DACH区域.
  • Planned and implemented 内容营销 strategies to increase demo calls and free trial bookings.
  • 领导一个由电子邮件营销和数字通讯经理组成的营销团队, 内容和沟通经理, 广告文案, 和设计师.
  • Managed and coordinated international media buying and lead generation agencies from the EU.
  • 监督组织的外部和内部沟通, 包括危机沟通, 确保消息传递的透明性和完整性.


2021 - 2022
  • Oversaw brand strategy and the overall marketing strategy for launching new brands in the USA.
  • 与亚马逊和Shopify销售团队和产品采购团队进行日常合作, 发展, 发射团队.
  • 设置kpi和管理报告来跟踪正在进行的工作的成功.
  • Reached 18% of total revenue in 2021—with an 80% YoY increase—through 内容营销, 电子邮件营销, 和短信活动.


2018 - 2021
  • Worked closely with the 发展 team on creating new products and features.
  • 管理数字媒体分析师和内容创作者团队.
  • 处理高级客户并提供策略建议. Reported and communicated with business owners and other relevant stakeholders.
  • 与人力资源部合作,监督团队P&L,获取和培养新的人才.
  • Oversaw 27 local and international clients as a part of the company portfolio.


2017 - 2018
  • Led a team accountable for 规划 and executing digital marketing campaigns for clients such as Coca-Cola, 嘉士伯啤酒公司, 菲利普莫里斯国际公司, A1移动, 和第一储蓄银行.
  • Developed full content strategies and managed the production of all digital campaign materials.
  • 持续发展与媒体购买的关系, PR, 线下, 视频制作机构, 提供具有最大ROI的360度广告系列.
  • 管理数字营销部门, leading an 18-member team (the largest digital 广告 team in the region, 包括客户经理, 社交媒体经理, 内容创造者, 社区管理员, 设计师, 和开发人员).
  • Handled client service management and senior account handling, financial management (department P&L, 工资, 规划, 和预测), 数字化生产管理, 项目管理, 业务发展, 招聘, 战略咨询.
  • Served as part of the team that executed the 1st chatbot digital marketing campaign in the world for Tuborg.


2015 - 2016
  • 管理数字营销部门 accountable for 规划 and executing digital marketing campaigns for clients such as Ikea, Beiersdorf, 保乐力加.
  • Led an 8-member team of account managers, 社区管理员, 广告文案, 设计师, and developers.
  • Oversaw client service management and senior account handling, financial management (department P&L, 工资, 规划, 和预测), 业务发展, 项目管理, 社交媒体管理, 招聘, 战略咨询.


2014 - 2015
  • 负责项目和客户管理. 为社交媒体活动创造概念, 从事社区管理, 为手机和Facebook游戏和应用开发创意.
  • 为可口可乐等客户进行战略规划, 嘉士伯啤酒公司, 菲亚特, 菲利普莫里斯国际公司.
  • Achieved recognition by winning the SOMO award for 社区经理 of The Year in the Balkan region at the Weekend Media Festival in Rovinj in 2014, 为客户可口可乐工作.
  • Enriched Coca-Cola's online community and contributed to viral marketing successes by spearheading online activations that spurred user-generated content, 竞赛, 和挑战.


2012 - 2014
  • Engaged in content creation, community management, 项目管理, and junior account handling.
  • Managed multiple paid 广告 campaigns on Google and 社交媒体 platforms.
  • 为喜力(Heineken)等客户的社交媒体活动创造概念, Amstel, 阿迪达斯, 锐步, Knjaz米洛š, Imlek, 小鹿斑比, 和阿尔法银行.


Engaged as part of the team that executed the world's 1st international chatbot digital marketing campaign for Tuborg—now merged with 嘉士伯啤酒公司.

聊天机器人是一个基于人工智能的交流平台, 并且专门用于向用户提供服务信息. 作为一个主导创新的品牌, Tuborg—for the 1st time ever—created a special version of the chatbot platform that allowed users to communicate via Facebook's Messenger app with the renowned television host Zoran Kesić, 歌手米米·梅塞德斯, 和DJ表演者克里斯蒂安·莫尔纳. 这种方式, users could relive their life journeys and memories and thus see their city through different eyes.

These three chatbots introduced young people to the beginnings of the rave scene in Serbia, 90年代标志性的夜生活场所, 几代人铭记的重要音乐会, 以及他们应该参观的城市. Zoran, 咪咪, and Kristijan had each chosen four locations that had influenced their lives, 在每一个位置, users found surprises—from a musical journey through time to special gifts and, 当然, 一些免费的啤酒.

东南欧最佳CM |可口可乐

Received the SoMo Borac Award for 社区经理 (CM) of the Year in the Balkan region during the 2014 Weekend Media Festival—with Coca-Cola as my client.

我管理可口可乐的社交媒体渠道,担任他们的首席营销官. 我执行的策略吸引了不同平台的观众, 培养用户粘性和品牌忠诚度.

One of my core responsibilities was to adapt and localize international campaigns for regional markets. 我擅长为不同文化的细微差别量身定制活动, ensuring a consistent global brand message while respecting local sensitivities. 我还在创造独特的地方活动方面取得了成功,这些活动产生了持久的影响. My ability to tap into the essence of local cultures and trends allowed Coca-Cola to maintain a fresh and relevant presence in different markets.

利用有影响力的人的力量, I orchestrated highly successful influencer marketing campaigns that drove brand visibility and consumer trust. Collaborations with influencers strategically aligned with Coca-Cola's image and values were a hallmark of my tenure.

我的角色超越了被动参与, 因为我是推动用户生成内容的在线激活活动的先锋, 竞赛, 和挑战. These initiatives enriched Coca-Cola's online community and contributed to viral marketing successes.


Developed an online platform for IKEA to recruit a workforce for their freshly opened store in Belgrade as part of launching its opening campaign.

与开发人员紧密合作, 设计师, 广告文案, 客户经理, 确保在线求职平台的无缝执行. 我的角色超越了团队, as I worked closely with IKEA's HR and communication departments and liaised with PR and media buyers to achieve integrated marketing success.
2007 - 2011




Facebook营销, Instagram营销, 营销策略, 社交媒体管理, 数字营销策略, 营销领导, 市场研究 & 分析, 谷歌广告, LinkedIn营销, 电子邮件营销, 品牌战略, 内容营销, 谷歌广告, 影响力营销, 产品营销, 基于客户的营销(ABM), 市场策, 产品定位, 社区管理, 社交媒体, 内容, 数字营销, 品牌营销, 文案, 内容创作, 活动管理, 社交媒体内容, Facebook的广告, 公共关系(PR), 社交媒体营销(SMM), 写博客, 写作 & 编辑,LinkedIn广告


企业对消费者(B2C), B2B, SaaS 产品营销, Business to Business (B2B)

平台 & 工具



视频制作, 广告, 团队管理, 项目管理, 增长战略, 竞争分析, 数字战略, 市场研究, B2B营销, 营销计划, Jira, 组织行为学(OB), 管理, 沟通策略, 内容管理, 内容制作, 增长的市场营销, 产品的增长, 营销计划, 团队开发, 数据报告, Trello, 推特, B2B潜在客户生成, 大数据, 产品开发, 团队的领导, 数字化产品管理, 领导, 账户管理, 危机沟通, 内容写, 博客, 策略, 病毒式营销, 数字通讯



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与你选择的人才一起工作,试用最多两周. 只有当你决定雇佣他们时才付钱.

