Toptal 市场营销 Expert Skills Directory

The Toptal network includes expert marketing talent across a very wide array of categories. See the list below to browse freelance marketing profiles with your desired skill.

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Some of Our Top 营销专家



Anna is a well-rounded marketing expert. She has launched commercially successful products and has specialized in 品牌 management and marketing communications for the last six years, including managing over $40 million in traditional and digital 品牌 campaigns for a Fortune 500 company and digital marketing campaigns for a small startup. Anna's ability to be hands-on and a team member in a cross-functional environment have prepared her to be a valuable addition to any organization.



Digital Strategy Consultant

Jason has 20 years of expertise in growing companies as an executive digital marketing strategist. He leads cross-functional teams and innovative data-driven digital marketing initiatives that reach target groups and accomplish corporate goals. An expert in data analysis, A / B测试, and customer insights that boost campaigns, 订婚, 和投资回报率, Jason implements strategies to expand, 品牌, and retain customers and improves marketing by following industry and 技术 changes and trends.




Jennifer is a seasoned marketer and communications leader experienced in SaaS, 技术, PR, 公共部门. She worked in both the agency world and in-house, building impactful marketing campaigns and communication strategies for B2B and B2C businesses. Jennifer has a solid ability to thrive in fast-paced environments and proven expertise working with all-level executives and within global teams across product, 客户成功, and engineering in the US, UK, 亚太地区, 和以色列.


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